, Kinoteater and European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024 present

Simon Brodkin “Screwed Up”
On the 22nd of November in Tartu at Athena center and on the 23rd of November in Tallinn at Rävala 8 Conference hall.
Simon Brodkin has made a name for himself as a stand-up comedian and appears in comedy shows. He is the most-viewed British comedian on TikTok of all time. In his new show “Screwed Up”, he shares his experiences with fame, social media, the police, Putin, Prince Andrew, Jesus, his mental health, his family and five arrests.
Mail On Sunday
Simon Brodkin’s stand up show “Screwed Up” is introduced by Kinoteater leader, actor, director and comedian Henrik Kalmet.
Ali Brice “I tried to be funny, but you weren’t looking”
On the 13th of December in Tartu at Athena center and 14th of December in Tallinn at Rävala 8 Conference hall.
Ali Brice is a UK-based alternative comedian, character comedian and actor who regularly performs at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. He has toured internationally as a stage actor and regularly appears in high-profile TV commercials.
In his show “I tried to be funny, but you weren’t looking”, Ali shares his experiences on how he went from the point of giving up on his life to fully enjoying it. 3 years after a considerable setback, he is back on his feet and trying again. Through therapy, friends and …sausages, he lives in the moment and celebrates the little things that life has to offer. A sincere, heartfelt and funny show where you can expect big stories, big questions and lots of jokes from the man with a ridiculous moustache.
More information:
Ali Brice’s stand up show “I tried to be funny, but you weren’t looking is introduced by Kinoteater leader, actor, director and comedian Henrik Kalmet.

Stand Up For Your Mind is part of the main program of the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024. Various events in Southern Estonia within its framework include:
- Mental Health Cafes
- Mental Health Themed Improv Comedy Group Sessions
- Comedy Shows “What do you mean?”
- Joke Writing Course
- Stand-up Show With a Guest From Abroad
Mental health is an integral part of our lives. However, mental health concerns often go unnoticed and are stigmatised. People often experience shame and do not dare to admit the existence of a problem, let alone ask for help.
The goal of the project Stand Up For Your Mind is to promote a supportive and caring for open dialogue about mental health in Estonia.
We want people to know how and where to get help and to be able to apply various techniques to take care of their mental health.
For us, stand-up and improvisational comedy are important means of conveying a message, as those on stage are often idealised by the audience (brave, funny, strong, fierce!). However, the opposite is often the reality.
Several comedians in other parts of the world have publicly shared their mental health struggles, which are often hidden from the audience.
During the shows, we are there to ensure that the humour is friendly and caring towards ourselves and others.

One in four people suffers from mental health problems at any point during their life. The frequency of mental health issues in Estonia is one of the highest in Europe. We feel that these topics require more attention than they are receiving now. If these topics are not addressed, those with mental health problems may feel that they are not valuable or sufficient enough to be paid attention to, which, in turn, may make them feel left out.
What makes the situation more worrisome is the fact that people may never ask for help in their lifetime. With timely treatment, one could live a fulfilled life full of joy. Instead, untreated people continue to live their lives with feelings of uncertainty and inferiority.
There is evidence that improv helps to reduce stress, social anxiety and improve social skills in everyday life. Our dream is to contribute to changes in mental health related attitudes and behaviour alongside increasing mutual care and support at the individual, community, Estonian and European levels.
Approaching mental health through stand-up, improv comedy and Mental Health Cafes is an innovative way of addressing issues in this domain. Notably, this approach has been successfully implemented in other parts of the world.
Humour improves mental well-being, physical health and ability to cope with stressful situations. People love to laugh, and approaching complex topics through jokes reduces stigma and the feeling of pressure, in addition to facilitating the delivery of the main message.
In our activities, we apply the best practices, consciously adapting them to Estonian culture and relying on’s ten years of experience in the field of mental health and professional partners.
Who are these events for?

You are welcome to participate in the events of the European Capital of Culture, where we focus on mental health topics with an innovative approach. Although the project targets Southern Estonia, everyone is welcome to participate. We all need to take care of ourselves and our mental health despite our nationality or language.
Arts of Survival, the artistic concept of the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024, is also the focus of the mental health project Stand Up For Your Mind. Maintaining and valuing your mental health is an art of survival!
Our dream is to one day reach a point where people in every corner of Estonia acknowledge, accept and care for their mental health.
The Aim of the Project

The project Stand Up For Your Mind aims to:
- Reduce mental health stigma;
- increase recognition of mental health concerns and community support;
- increase people’s awareness of tools to support themselves and others;
- prevent worsening of mental health problems;
- encourage the early seeking of help and support;
- empower the communities of South Estonia to take an active role in addressing mental health issues.
Tule etendusele
Lisaks muudele tegevustele, oleme koostöös improkomöödia praktiseerijate ning vaimse tervise spetsialistidega kohandanud Eesti oludele vastavaks mujal maailmas levinud lähenemise:
vaimset tervist toetav improteatri harrastamise formaat.
Soovime nende tegevustega panustada vaimse tervise probleemide süvenemise vähendamisse, luues ennetava ja vaimset tervist toetava kogukonnategevuse.
Õige pea, juba 22. mail saad osa vaimse tervise impro etendusest, arutelust ning töötoast Võrus Kandles.
Vaimse tervise impro Sinu kogukonnas
Otsime vaimset tervist toetava improkomöödia harrastusgruppide läbiviijaid Lõuna-Eesti kogukondadesse!
Kas toimetad mõnes Lõuna-Eesti piirkonnas ja sooviksid oma kogukonnas luua meeldiva ja kasuliku vaba aja veetmise viisi, mis avaldab positiivset mõju ka osalejate tervisele?
MTÜ Peaasjad ja Ruutu10 ühisarendus:
- Nö hobiklubi, kus mängitakse erinevaid improvisatsioonilisi mänge, tehakse lihtsamaid improvisatsioonilisi harjutusi ja stseene juhendamisel.
- Kuidas aitab impro vaimset tervist toetada? Hinnanguvabadus, üksteise toetamine, kohalolek, meeldivad tunded, perfektsionismist lahti laskmine, toetab enesehinnangut ja enesekindlust.
- Lisame juurde vaimse tervise teemalised arutelud harjutustele, harjutuste põhimõtete/kasulike mõjude rakendamine igapäevaelus, materjalide jagamine ja nende põhjal arutlemine.
- 2022. a. september-detsember saad läbida Ruutu10 improõppe 2 moodulit grupitreeninguna, mis aitab Sul paremini mõista improkomöödia formaati ja läbi proovida erinevaid harjutusi. Õpe toimub 1x nädalas 2 tundi korraga 4 kuu vältel.
- 2023. a. jaanuar-aprill saad läbida spetsiaalse mooduli, mille käigus saad ettevalmistuse, kuidas oma kogukonnas läbi viia avatud improtunde (kõigile vanuses 16+ avatud praktilised ja lõbusad tunnid) spetsiaalselt vaimset tervist toetava suunaga. Õpe toimub 1x nädalas 2 tundi korraga, 8x selle perioodi vältel.
- Vaimse tervise esmaabi koolitus (MTÜ Peaasjad 9,5h onlines).
- Mentorlus ja tugi gruppide läbiviimise ajal MTÜ Peaasjad ja Ruutu10 poolt.
- 2023 a. sept-dets hakkad vaikselt oma kogukonnas vaimset tervist toetavat improgruppi käivitama ja testima.
- Saad ise valida, kellele gruppe läbi viima hakkad (nt töökohas, rahvamajas, koolis, vanemaealiste päevakeskuses vms). Ka gruppide sagedus ja täpne ülesehitus jäävad Sinu otsustada. Aktiivsete Kodanike Fondi toel saame võimaldada Sulle õppe tasuta läbimist ning järelmentorlust kui hakkad gruppe ellu viima. Gruppide läbiviimise eest me kahjuks maksta ei saa, kuid aitame leida selleks teisi võimalusi: küsida osalejatelt sümboolset tasu, rääkida läbi KOViga, otsustada gruppe läbi viia tasuta või mõne muu projekti raames jms.
- 2024 a. jaan-dets viid oma kogukonnas regulaarselt läbi vaimset tervist toetavaid improgruppe. Ja loomulikult soovime, et improgruppide läbiviimine kogukonnas kestaks edasi ka pärast 2024. aastat. Need oskused ja võimalus neid kasutada jäävad Sulle kogu eluks!
- Sul pole vaja kogemust ei improkomöödiast ega vaimse tervise teemadel. Küll aga on Sul vaja huvi mõlema valdkonna vastu, motivatsiooni õpe läbida ja harrastusgruppi ellu viia!
Vaimset tervist toetava improkomöödia väljaõppes osalemiseks pane oma huvi kirja ja me võtame Sinuga ise ühendust:
Tule 2. aprillil Nõo Kultuurikeskusesse vaimse tervise impro etendusele ja töötuppa – saad omal nahal vaimset tervist toetavat improkomöödiat kogeda!