Mental health vitamins test

We are glad that you have found our mental health vitamins test! Mental health vitamins are sleep and rest, nutrition, movement, relationships and pleasant emotions. We compiled this test so that you can think through in what way you currently keep your mental health in balance. With the help of the test you can make your mental health foundations work even better for supporting yourself. Balance is the head matter!

Note! The test is compiled by mental health specialists in order to help you think through important areas of mental health for yourself. The test is not a basis for any diagnostic assessments. The results and suggestions of the test regarding the boosting of different mental health vitamins should be treated with curiosity – we hope it helps you find good tips or ideas on how to support your mental health.

With each question choose one answer that describes you most. You can base your answers on the previous month of your life and think how things have mostly been.

Time investment: approx. 10 minutes (18 questions). You will see your personal results immediately after taking the test.



  • I generally sleep ...

    • for 7–9 or more hours without interruptions.
    • for 7–9 or more hours, but I sometimes wake up and have trouble falling asleep again.
    • less than 7 hours, because my responsibilities do not allow for more.
    • less than 7 hours, because I just cannot sleep more.
    • for who knows how much, I don’t keep track of sleeping hours.

    When I wake up, I feel ...

    • well rested – I have no problems with waking up and starting my day.
    • more or less rested – I need around an hour to wake up and get going.
    • tired – I have to force myself to get up. I feel drowsy and generally press the snooze button on the alarm.
    • differently depending on the day.

    Falling asleep for me is mostly ...

    • easy – I fall asleep without issue.
    • relatively easy – sometimes I toss and turn in bed and wait for sleep.
    • difficult – I wait for sleep for more than half an hour and it doesn’t seem to come.
    • annoying – I delay it with various activities for as long as possible.

    When I wake up and can’t fall asleep at night, then I ...

    • toss and turn, waiting for sleep.
    • use my smart device or watch television to distract my thoughts.
    • get up from bed for a bit and do something relaxing like reading a book or watching out of the window.
    • I sleep without interruptions.


  • I mostly eat for the reason that ...

    • I am hungry.
    • I enjoy eating.
    • I have set times for meals.
    • food seems appealing and is within reach.
    • others also eat.

    My eating is characterised most by the following ...

    • I enjoy good food.
    • my diet is informed and healthy.
    • nutrition is not important for me; I don’t pay attention to what I eat.
    • my diet is strictly controlled.
    • the subject of nutrition is stressful for me.

    For me, eating with others is ...

    • uncomfortable, because their food may not fit my diet.
    • nice, because I like to eat with company and try out new cuisine.
    • stressful, because eating in front of others makes me anxious.
    • unimportant; I mostly eat alone and whenever I can.
    • formal; for example, when there is a celebration.
    • something I always look forward to.


  • In a week, I exercise (work out, go for a walk, etc) for ...

    • less than 50 minutes and only when I really need to.
    • around 100 minutes.
    • around 150 minutes.
    • definitely more than 150 minutes.

    For me, physical activity is ...

    • a responsibility I don’t enjoy.
    • something I enjoy.
    • something that I avoid.
    • something that I do too much.
    • not important for me.

    After a walk outside or a light exercise, I feel ...

    • satisfied and relaxed.
    • exhausted.
    • guilty for not exercising or walking more.
    • energised.
    • nothing special, really.


  • On the subject of relationships, I feel that ...

    • I am close enough with other people.
    • I would like to be closer with others.
    • I am alone.
    • I could be alone more.

    My communication skills (resolving conflicts, assertiveness, managing friendships, supporting others, accepting support) are ...

    • good enough.
    • okay, but could be better.
    • poor – I feel like I’m not good at communicating.
    • not important for me.

    When I encounter conflicts in communication then ...

    • I can manage them fine.
    • they overwhelm me.
    • sometimes I manage and sometimes I don’t.
    • I don’t pay them any mind; they usually go away on their own.

    When I feel lonely, then ...

    • I get in touch with someone to ease my loneliness.
    • I don’t want to show it to anyone.
    • I want to get in touch with someone, but I struggle with it.
    • it doesn’t bother me.

    In a week, I focus on maintaining relationships (call or get in touch with someone and find out how they are; do something together; surprise or do something for someone) for ...

    • 1–15 minutes.
    • 15–30 minutes.
    • 30–90 minutes.
    • more than 90 minutes.
    • no time at all.


  • Pleasant emotions (peace, security, happiness, pride, closeness, a sense of belonging, relief, love, excitement) accompany my life ...

    • quite enough.
    • occasionally, but there could be more.
    • sometimes, but there are more uncomfortable emotions.
    • too much.

    One of my favourite ways of achieving pleasant emotions is to ...

    • take up my hobbies.
    • talk with my close ones.
    • do favours for others.
    • think about what I’m grateful for.
    • be physically active or take walks.
    • listen to music, read and/or watch films and series.
    • make jokes and enjoy good humour.
    • do something good for myself that is not listed above.
    • do nothing; I don’t know what to do to find pleasant emotions in life.

    When it comes to pleasant emotions, I believe that ...

    • I am capable of achieve them myself.
    • I cannot do anything to bring them forth.
    • they are overrated.
    • I can learn to bring more of them into my life when I make an effort for it.


We will kindly ask you to answer a few questions to better understand the balance of mental health vitamins among different target groups.

  • I am

    • Female
    • Male
    • Non-binary
    • Do not wish to publish
  • Age

    • 5-14
    • 15-24
    • 25-34
    • 35-44
    • 45-54
    • 55-64
    • 65-74
    • 75-84
    • 85+
    • Do not wish to publish


Your results are ready! The coloured sectors show how much vitamins you already have. You can read more about your results and also some tips and tricks to improve your mental balance by clicking on the sectors.


    • You have vitamin rest in you, but it seems that there could be more! Good sleep is a major foundation for good mental health. It affects how we feel every day, what we think about, how we communicate with others, and how we handle joys and woes. The good thing is that every one of us can do a lot to improve our sleep quality – even if we have not slept well for a long time and are constantly tired. It requires adjusting and practice, but believe us when we say that improving sleep quality and readjusting is well worth it. In addition to trying various tricks, we also recommend consulting your general practitioner or sleep specialist.

      You can find more information about vitamins and tips for mental health:

    • You have vitamin rest in you! It may be that you sometimes have trouble with sleep and that causes you to feel more tired than usual, wake up at night or have trouble falling asleep. Problems with sleep and getting enough rest are quite common. Mostly they appear when we have too much stress built up inside us, or when we are used to not sleeping much and being tired. Thankfully, every one of us can achieve a lot to improve our quality of sleep.

      You can find more information about vitamins and tips for mental health:

    • You have vitamin rest in you! You’ve answered in a way that you likely get enough sleep (7-9+ hours per day); when you wake up, you feel well rested and that you have energy to start a new day; you fall asleep easily and have no trouble regaining sleep should it go away at night. Well done! Maintain your healthy sleep habits and discuss this with your close ones as well so that they would also know how to sleep well.

      It’s important to note that everyone has periods in life where sleep is disrupted for one or other reasons. It is mostly a sign of too much stress in our lives.

      You can find more information about vitamins and tips for mental health:


    • You have vitamin nutrition in you! However, you have answered in a way that you could sometimes ask yourself whether you can do more to improve your relations with food? Mental health benefits most from regular and varied meals, and from you considering and choosing the food that is good for your mind and body. At the same time, you shouldn’t focus on thinking about food too much. Also, when you eat sufficiently plant based food, you contribute to the health of our planet.

      We recommend you discuss this topic with your close ones to share the benefits of good nutrition.

      If you are interested, we have nutrition tips and tricks at:

      When you have complicated feelings about food, we recommend you consult your general practitioner or one of our counsellors at

      When you don’t have enough food, we recommend you turn to the food bank at

      You can find more information about vitamins and tips for mental health:

    • You have vitamin nutrition in you! You may be reserved about food. Perhaps you have noticed that you are indifferent towards food or that you have complicated feelings with it?

      Mental health benefits most from regular and varied meals, and from you considering and choosing the food that is good for your mind and body. Also, when you eat sufficiently plant based food, you contribute to the health of our planet.

      Definitely keep following good relations with food! Go on a food adventure and invite someone else with you.

      We recommend you discuss this topic with your close ones to share the benefits of good nutrition.

      If you are interested, we have nutrition tips and tricks at:

      When you have complicated feelings about food, we recommend you consult your general practitioner or one of our counsellors at

      When you don’t have enough food, we recommend you turn to the food bank at

      You can find more information about vitamins and tips for mental health:

    • You have vitamin nutrition in you! You likely have good relations with food – you eat when you are hungry, enjoy the food you eat and can appreciate shared meals. Mental health benefits most from regular and varied meals, and from you considering and choosing the food that is good for your mind and body. You don’t spend too much time thinking about food. Also, when you eat sufficiently plant based food, you contribute to the health of our planet.

      Keep on following good nutrition!

      We recommend you discuss this topic with your close ones to share the benefits of good nutrition.

      If you are interested, we have nutrition tips and tricks at:

      You can find more information about vitamins and tips for mental health:


    • You have vitamin movement in you, but it seems like you could do with some more! It may be that physical activity is not very enjoyable for you at the moment. You’d rather not spend time on it and don’t feel very good afterwards? You are still a completely healthy person if you feel like that and we don’t judge you! We do want you to know that physical activity is an easy and inexpensive method of improving your wellbeing. It is not too demanding either – you only need 20 minutes of moderate physical activity (enough to make you sweat a little) per day. It may be a small walk, a few stretches, dancing to your favourite music, playing your favourite ball game, going to the grocery store with a larger detour, or anything that you can think of that fits your needs! Regular physical activity helps maintain a feeling of wellbeing, gives a friendlier self-image, improves the mood, reduces anxiety, and improves concentration. In addition to personal benefits, it can also be environmentally friendly and benefit the planet if we choose to walk even once instead of driving a car. You should try and find at least one method of physical activity that is enjoyable for you and that you can afford to spend time on.

      You can find more information about vitamins and tips for mental health:

    • You have vitamin movement in you! It may be that sometimes you spend less than the recommended 150 minutes a week on physical activities. It may also be that physical activity may seem unimportant or a nuisance, or maybe you are tired because of being too active. Indeed, our movement is not always satisfactory, or we may not get enjoyment out of it or see its importance. There is a simple trick to help with this – mental health benefits a great deal out of 20 minutes of moderate activity (enough to make you sweat a little) per day. If you think of it like that, then that isn’t all that much to spend on something that has amazing benefits! Regular physical activity helps maintain a feeling of wellbeing, gives a friendlier self-image, improves the mood, reduces anxiety, and improves concentration. In addition to personal benefits, it can also be environmentally friendly and benefit the planet if we choose to walk even once instead of driving a car. It is important to keep in mind not to overdo it, to find enjoyment in it, and to take your health and wellbeing into consideration.

      You can find more information about vitamins and tips for mental health:

    • You have vitamin movement in you! The test results show that you spend 150 or more minutes on physical activities. You see it as an enjoyable activity and feel more energetic and content as a result. Well done! Regular moderate physical activity (at least 150 minutes a week) helps maintain a feeling of wellbeing, gives a friendlier self-image, improves the mood, reduces anxiety, and improves concentration. In addition to personal benefits, it is also environmentally friendly if we choose to walk instead of driving a car. Keep it up! It is important to keep in mind not to overdo it, to find enjoyment in it, and to take your health and wellbeing into consideration.

      We recommend you to discuss this with your close ones to share with them how physical activity benefits physical and mental health.

      Keep in mind that everyone has periods in life where we can’t exercise or focus on movement as much as we’d like. In that case, it is important to be friendly towards yourself and think of clever ways on how to get even a little physical activity in. Even a short stretch in the morning or dancing instead of moving between rooms help!

      You can find more information about vitamins and tips for mental health:


    • You have vitamin relationships in you! Nonetheless, it seems that there is some imbalance there – either there is too little communication or too much of it. If conflicts arise, it may be that you have trouble resolving them, or you wish that your communication skills were better. When it comes to communication and relationships, it can get more complicated than we’d like and it can be a great source of concern for us. The good news is that you can learn a lot about them and it is still possible to change things if you put your mind to it. One step at a time. We can learn to communicate with, listen to, notice and support others better. No one is born as a natural conversationist. We all constantly learn, adapt, make mistakes and try again. There is a simple trick to help you get started – knowingly put aside 15 minutes exclusively for a person to get in touch with them, do something together or to see how they are doing.

      You can find more information about vitamins and tips for mental health:

    • You have vitamin relationships in you! It may be that you would like to be closer with other people or to have more time for yourself, to have better communication skills, to be capable of getting in touch with others when lonely, or to know how to maintain relationships better. When it comes to communication and relationships, it can get more complicated than we’d like, but the good news is that you can learn a lot about them and it is still possible to change things if you put your mind to it. We can learn to communicate with, listen to, notice and support others better. No one is born as a natural conversationist. We all constantly learn, adapt, make mistakes and try again. There is a simple trick to help you get started – knowingly put aside 15 minutes exclusively for a person to get in touch with them, do something together or to see how they are doing.

      You can find more information about vitamins and tips for mental health:

    • You have vitamin relationships in you! You have answered in a way that you likely feel enough closeness with others, you feel that you know how to start a conversation and how to manage possible conflicts, how to alleviate your loneliness and how to focus on managing relationships. Keep it up! Finding and managing supporting relationships is a strong foundation of mental health that helps us cope with changes as well as everyday routine. Conflicts are a part of every healthy relationship and we are glad to know that you manage well with them.

      We recommend you to discuss this topic with your close ones to learn their opinions on communication and how you could better support them. It is also important that you share with them how they can better support you. It would be great if we could speak openly about the subject of relationships and communication and share our personal tips and tricks with others.

      You can find more information about vitamins and tips for mental health:


    • You have vitamins of pleasant emotions in you – even if you have difficulties with noticing them. You have answered in a way that you may like to experience more pleasant emotions or to be better at achieving them. Noticing your emotions and working for pleasant ones through various activities is a very important part of improving and supporting our mental health that any one of us can do for ourselves. Of course, every emotion has its time and place and with pleasant emotions it is important to allow for various other feelings to emerge as well (such as anger, sadness, disappointment, irritation, etc). Working to achieve more pleasant emotions helps keep feelings in balance and allow you to enjoy your life even at difficult times. Pleasant emotions can easily be achieved by doing things you enjoy, by creating new experiences, by practicing gratitude, or doing favours for others.

      We recommend you to discuss this subject with you close ones to find out if or how they achieve pleasant emotions in their life, and what you could do together to achieve it.

      You can find more information about vitamins and tips for mental health:

    • You have vitamins of pleasant emotions in you! Perhaps you would like to experience pleasant emotions more often or to do more to achieve them. Noticing your emotions and working for pleasant ones through various activities is a very important part of improving and supporting our mental health that any one of us can do for ourselves. Of course, every emotion has its time and place and with pleasant emotions it is important to allow for various other feelings to emerge as well (such as anger, sadness, disappointment, irritation, etc). Working to achieve more pleasant emotions helps keep feelings in balance and allow you to enjoy your life even at difficult times. Pleasant emotions can easily be achieved by doing things you enjoy, by creating new experiences, by practicing gratitude, or doing favours for others.

      We recommend you to discuss this subject with you close ones to find out if or how they achieve pleasant emotions in their life, and what you could do together to achieve it.

      You can find more information about vitamins and tips for mental health:

    • You have vitamins of pleasant emotions in you! You have answered in a way that you can distinguish different pleasant emotions and you have your ways of how to achieve them through various pleasant activities of yours. That is all very good! Noticing your emotions and working for pleasant ones through various activities is a very important part of improving and supporting our mental health. Of course, every emotion has its time and place and with pleasant emotions it is important to allow for various other feelings to emerge as well (such as anger, sadness, disappointment, irritation, etc). Working to achieve more pleasant emotions helps keep feelings in balance and allow you to enjoy your life even at difficult times. Pleasant emotions can easily be achieved by doing things you enjoy, by creating new experiences, by practicing gratitude, or doing favours for others.

      We recommend you to discuss this subject with you close ones to find out if or how they achieve pleasant emotions in their life, and what you could do together to achieve it.

      You can find more information about vitamins and tips for mental health: